Day 1
November 19, 2021

Workshop with Andrea Průchová Hrůzová Visual Archive(s) of Migration / theorist of visual culture,
Czech Republic

Moderated discussion with Bahar Behbahani All water has a perfect memory / independent visual artist, Brooklyn – Iran

Public lecture by Nicholas Mirzoeff White sight: Visual politics and practices of whiteness / critic and activist, NYC

Day 2
November 20, 2021

Moderated discussion with Alana Lentin „Not Racism“, Antiracism and the Dead-End of Hypocrisy / antiracist race critical scholar, Sydney

Workshop with Francesca Martinez Tagliavia Visual infrapolitics: Gender performance, between secret visuality and postfeminist resistance / critical theorist, Palermo

Public lecture by Houria Bouteldja Why white antifacism is not enough to fight islamophobia? / political activist and writer, France – Algeria